Thursday, November 29, 2012

'Tis The Season!

As we get more and more into the holiday season, I'm getting more and more into the Christmas spirit! These are a few designs with typography that have caught my eye! C'mon now, we're all designers. we should be designing our own CHRISTMAS CARDS (or New Years)!!!! Here is a little inspiration that is helping me and should help you, too.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Girl Talk: Kim Rugg

Minus the cropping ;) This is the final piece for my Girl Talk poster. Using Kim Rugg's style, I cut out unneeded text and reassembled it to create the letterforms, and title of the talk, "Lets Talk About Text".

Final Project: Anablog

Our final project has just begun. Anablog. A play on words, analog blog, this project we are creating our own 16 page Zine (Zeene)! Our first assignment for this was to choose a designer/typographer, write a 500 word profile and find two magazine spreads that inspire us. 500 words is a lot to write! haha As my draft I have 250 words describing my chosen designer, Keetra Dean Dixon. The next part is to choose two typeface families and possibly one other for our Zine (Zeene).

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Girl Talk Poster

The first idea I had was to recreate an envelope and using her name, reassemble cutup stamps. I wouldn't have very much room for creativity in that because an envelope is an envelope.

The one I am working on now is a little more her style in that I have jumbled up text and created it illegible while still keeping the "simplistic" look of the piece.